Dear First-Time-Mom, Your Husband Needs You, Too.

When we become parents, we get so caught up in the miracle of the birth of a baby that we forget that at the same moment that a child is born, parents are also born. As such, in addition to taking care of their child, a husband and a wife need to look out for each other too, more than ever, to help each other process this significant life change.

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Postpartum Depression

I naively thought I was gonna be spared from it, from this so-called postpartum depression, being the generally positive and happy person that I was or that I perceived myself to be. I thought that if I got through the first three months emotionally intact, given that those months are supposedly the hardest and most physically demanding, that I’d be okay.

Was I wrong. Turns out it doesn’t work that way.

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My Newborn Essentials

Here’s a list of items you could give your first-time-mom friend/colleague. You could be certain she would actually use or appreciate the items on this list, as these are based on what I’ve heavily used for the past fourteen weeks of my new mommyhood. This entry could also be titled First-Time-Mom Essentials or What to Put in your Baby Shower Registry. :)

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This First-Time-Mom's Advice to Future First-Time-Moms

Recently, I’ve taken to recalling other mothers’ advices to me when I was still pregnant. Taking into account my own relatively new experience, I reflect on some of those nuggets of wisdom and share my own in this entry. Hopefully some of you will learn from what we’ve been through so far, pick up on what worked for us and avoid repeating our mistakes, while keeping in mind that every baby and every parent is different.

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